Monday, May 7, 2012

Social Media Ettiquette

Having a Facebook or Twitter account has become completely commonplace in our society. Even my mama has a Facebook account. Tater is standing firm though, no Facebook for him. And I have to say, I don't blame him.

Do you remember when you had to call your friends and find out their plans for the weekend? Or call to ask about how their pregnancy is going? Not anymore. In my mind, Facebook should just be called TMI Land (the Land where Too Much Information is shared.)

Yes, I'm excited that you are pregnant. But, I do not need daily updates about your uterus. Or how many times you've thrown up this morning. Congrats on the bundle of joy, it used to be something sacred, but now it's something that is paraded around on Facebook like the newest accessory. This is what I gather from Facebook, if you are not getting married or having a child, then you are not relevant. Fine by me. I love being not relevant. And I know what you're thinking. I'm just jealous. Not at all. I enjoy my free time, and my nights full of sleep :)

You love your spouse? Tell them IN PERSON! Posting on Facebook how wonderful your spouse is leads me to believe that you honestly don't think they are so wonderful. You just want others to think that you have a great spouse, yet do not find the time to tell the person that needs to hear it. Tater doesn't have a Facebook account. And I have never once made a Facebook post regarding how amazing my husband is. You know why? Because I tell him. Every single day. The world doesn't need to know. The only person that needs to know is him - because he is my world.

You're getting married? Congrats! It's so much fun. But please, stop posting that you are marrying your best friend. Who else would you marry? A hitch-hiker you found on the side of the road? The friendly neighborhood fella with one too many cats? Of course, you would marry your best friend. It would be silly not to!!

And this is the biggest tip of all! Going to the Virgin Islands for a week vacation? Don't post that on Facebook. Now everyone knows that you are not home. And they all know where you live, thanks to the previously uploaded photos of you new home where you 'accidentally' left the address in the photo.
Don't be surprised that when you come home, things may be missing. (And yes, If you are taking a trip, I probably am jealous! :)

Please stop over stating the obvious. I'm friends with you on Facebook to keep up with you during those spells when we don't speak. I know I can unsubscribe. I know. But that feels like a violation. It feels like we would only be half ass friends.

I consider myself more of a passive Facebooker. I upload personal photos on occasion, photography gig photos often, and will comment/like a post that I genuinely like or feel that my comment would add something. I'm not an aggressive Facebooker. I don't check it constantly.

If this post has offended you, that means you may illicit the above mentioned behavior - it's OK. We're all still friends, just have our different Facebook styles.

And P.S. - Please STOP sending me game requests. I have a full time job, a weekend job, a husband and a house to maintain. Thank you :)

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