Thursday, November 25, 2010

Baby Sandling

Recently, my brother and his fiancee welcomed a beautiful 8 pound baby boy, Park Sandling McCarty. He is named after her father and my grandfather and is an absolute gem! He is the most peaceful and happy baby, and loves to be held, which is now a bad thing, because he will not sleep unless someone is holding him.

About a week after baby Sandling's arrival, I got to take some shots of him at their home. He was the best subject and now I cannot wait to document his life!

This was my first newborn photography shoot, and I was dreading it. I thought that photographing a newborn would be challenging and would take hours. But that was not the case. These photos were taken within a 20 minute fussing, no diaper changes, no nothing, just Sandling sleeping while we undressed him and moved him where we wanted! The most difficult aspect of shooting a newborn in the temperature of the room. If baby is too cold, you get fussy baby. Not good for photos. So, we had the heat turned up full blast. We were all sweating, but Sandling was happy and comfortable. The life of parent, sacrificing yourself and your comfort for you child :)
Thanks for visiting and please check back for more updates!
Much love and a Happy Thanksgiving

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