Monday, April 12, 2010

Anna Scott

Anna Scott is the most precious two year old you will ever meet, BUT she loves to run and does not like to have her picture taken! Oh, what a challenge for me!! Once she realized that the camera was not going to hurt her, she relaxed a bit and enjoyed a day full of fun and sunshine!

Anna Scott ran to the Merry-Go-Round and waited for her mama to give her a push!

Playing with mama by the bayou

There are no words for this!!

She was upset that her flowers kept on breaking :(


  1. Love the photos Doo Dah. I didnt know you loved doing photos....that is great I do HA's annual now and have had to take the pics. Most of my pictures are hit and miss. Would love to know what type camera you have and the lens you like most.
    Ms Mac Humphreys

  2. First of all, most pictures are a hit and miss. Of twenty good photos, I probably have at least 100 bad ones! The camera that I am using right now is not the best, but it definitely gets the job done. Its a Nikon Coolpix D90. It doesn't have any detachable lens or anything...very easy to use and maneuver!
