Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Keepin' it Classy

Ever since Tay started his DNP program, our time together has been non-existent. If he's off, I'm usually working and vice versa. He briefly see each other in the evenings between dinner and bedtime, and that's it. Seriously. Oh and he kisses my forehead as he runs out the door at 4:30am.

But this weekend was different.
Memorial Day always means a three day weekend. And for that we are thankful.
We are, of course, thankful for the reason we get to celebrate Memorial Day as well.

Friday afternoon I met my mother-in-law in Clarksdale and dropped off Norman (saddest day of my life) so that Tay and I could head to Missouri and do some relaxin'.

We packed up the car on Friday and met some friends on the Island in Memphis and started the trek to Van Buren, MO.

We've both been canoeing and rafting before, but this trip was different because we rafted the river one day and canoed it the next. We prefer the canoe. They are so much easier to maneuver and can really get some speed! On our first day, we only did a 4 mile trip and then did the 8 mile trip on Sunday.

We both agreed that we didn't want to get out of the water, we wanted to keep going.
But, alas, the Family Campground Staff was there to make sure we took out and returned their canoe :(

Since we were on the water most of the time and iPhone's are too expensive to replace, we only have one photo from the entire trip! (Bad photographer I know, I know!)

We always try to keep things real classy :) 

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