Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Third (and final) Year

That's right folks, June 2014 marks the beginning of Tay's LAST YEAR of CRNA school!
Looking back, it seems as if time is flying, but actually living it day to day is slow!

Since January 2014, he's been working at the Med in Downtown from 5:00am to at least 6:00PM, everyday, Monday thru Friday. He devotes his Saturday's to sleeping in, which is well deserved, and Sunday's are family time - which is basically the three of us laying on the couch and dreading that Monday is coming, yet again! And he works for free. Yeah, no money at all. Could you imagine working at least 12 hours a day and not receive a penny for it? I know I wouldn't be able to do that.

Tay will continue working is various area hospitals up until graduation, which is May 2015. That means that he'll have a year and a half of experience under his belt before he even graduates. And while he's working (for free), he still has to attend class and complete to say we don't have a life would be the understatement of the year.

Each year, I make Tay take a photo with his backpack to mark the first day of school, and as we all know, it's not a post unless there are some photos involved.

The first year photo.
In the house with the blue door.

 The second year photo.
In the house with the green door.
And an amazing backyard!

And the third year photo.
In our current house.
And if you're thinking he doesn't look thrilled, it's because this was at the end of the day, after he'd already changed into his pajamas. And the horrible wife that I am made him put scrubs back on :(

I guess the next milestone photo we will take will be at graduation!

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