Monday, May 19, 2014

Norman May (or may not) be famous

Sometimes when my phone dings to let me know I have a new email, my heart sinks. I debate on checking it and then finally decide to give in...what if it's someone letting me know I finally won oodles of money?! So today, when the familiar ping hit my phone, I decided to check it; with the faint hopes of that CONGRATULATIONS email waiting on wasn't there, but this was.
Every year, a local magazine up here, Click Magazine, holds a cute pet contest. And every year I forget to submit photos of Norman. This year was going to be different. I finally submitted numerous photos and have been patiently waiting on the magazine to contact me.

Well it happened today. Norman will be in print. And I've offically gone off the deep end when it comes to my pet. Sue me!

Once the magazine is printed, I fully intend to let y'all know! And will do a much more official post and hopefully showcase some of the photos I submitted.

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