Saturday, April 18, 2015

Hello 3rd Trimester!

Today is a glorious day. Tater Baby is officially 28 weeks gestation and should arrive in approximately 12 weeks. Hooray! (And oh Lord there is still so much to do!)

Here's a little pregnancy update...
My blood pressure has been normal the entire pregnancy until one day when I scheduled my appointment for after work. Let's just say it was a bit high. High enough to where my doctor was concerned. At the time, I was 24 weeks pregnant, and had to do the 24-hour urine test so that the doctor could see the protein levels in my urine. I'm thankful that this fell during my spring break because it's not pleasant. You seriously have to collect every bit of urine you produce within a 24 hour span; even the 1:00am, the 2:30am, the 4:00am, etc...

The good news is that the test came back showing that my protein levels are slightly elevated, but at the time, nothing to be concerned with, praise the Lord! Also, ever since that visit, my BP has been within the normal range.

I passed my gestational diabetes test with flying colors, again praise the Lord. Also, what's the fuss all about? The drink tasted like flat Fanta or Sunkist, not something I would ever crave, but not bad enough to make me sick. The worst part was sitting around and waiting for an hour. 

Braxton Hicks started about week 26 and are weird. Right now, I only feel them in my lower abdomen, and my stomach will get really someone is drawing and quartering my uterus. They aren't painful, just uncomfortable.

My blood type is O-, while Tay's is O+. This means that my blood is Rh- and Tay's is a word incompatible. Since we don't know Tater Baby's blood type, I have to get certain injections throughout the pregnancy and after delivery just to make sure my blood won't attack baby's.
(Very general explanation)

Tater Baby is moving around like crazy. Enough to where it can be felt and seen from the outside. The first time Tay felt it, his eyes got huge and said, "Woah, that's awesome!" Yes it is dear, yes it is. The most active times I've noted are early morning (6:00am), mid afternoon (2:00pm), early evening (6:00pm), and then I'm always woken up each night about 1:00am or 1:30am with friendly punch to the bladder.

Speaking of the bladder, I'm getting up every hour or hour and half at night. So when I go to bed at 8:00 and wake at 5:30, I'm really not getting that much sleep!

I'm not going to say that nesting has kicked in since we are moving, but hospital panic and bringing home baby has definitely kicked in. Today I am so thankful for my mama and my awesome NICU buddy. Without her help, it would have taken me months to pick out a car seat, but with her help, it took 10 minutes! Tater Baby officially has a car seat, a Pack-N-Play, a stroller, and some newborn and size one diapers...we are finally hospital ready and have the bare necessities just in case this baby decides to come early!

And now, the 28 week photo.

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