Thursday, April 24, 2014

Hopson Plantation

The Hopson Plantation is the epitome of the Mississippi Delta. And the blues.
It's like two got married and had a child.
And the Hopson Plantation is that child.

Equal parts of the Mississippi Delta, the Blues, and every random eclectic novelty Elvis item within a 200 mile radius gathers here. Oh, and they have bourbon. Copious amounts of bourbon.
Is there anything better than the Mississippi Delta, Blues, Elvis, and bourbon?

I want/need this banner. I think it's perfect.

Yep. That's a random head hiding in some cotton. I walked past this area at least 12 times and never noticed it. And the moment I did, I had a combo anxiety/panic/heart attack. It took a moment to recover.

 To get more info about the history, check this out! Hopson Plantation

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