Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Being a photographer is a wonderful thing.
I have access to beautiful locations, thousands of ideas running through my head, and some pretty decent equipment to make my shots what I expect them to be.
What I don't have?
An around the clock person assistant to take photos of my family.
We've had Norman for over a year now and I realized that we do not have a single photo as a family. How horrible?!
Especially for a photographer!
So this is our pathetic attempt to get a family photo.
And keep in mind...the camera settings have been adjusted by yours truly, set up on the tripod, and the timer set. I'm wearing a dress and running down a set of railroad tracks to get in the frame before the shutter clicks.
A pain in the ass?

After fighting the heat, the train and an uncooperative pooch, this was as good as it got.
I'll settle for this. For now.
And thank you to my ever obliging husband :) 

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