Saturday, October 27, 2012

We believe.

Do you believe? This household does. Having faith is a part of life. I believe in God, I believe in the good of people, and I believe in my Mississippi State Bulldogs.
Because being a State fan is a slow climb to the top and a quick descent into the depths of Hell.
My grandfather graduated from Mississippi State.
I attended Mississippi State and they saw fit to reward me with a Bachelor's degree. They will have my unfaltering support until the day that I die. I believe because the underdog has nothing to lose and everything to gain.
You're probably an Alabama fan because they always have a winning record (and supporting a winning team is the easiest thing to do) and because you went to Wal-Mart and bought a tee shirt.
Being a State fan is more than cheap tee shirts and always having a good record.
I'm proud of my dawgs when they win and when they lose.
Fans, hold your heads high and let those cowbells drown out any negative comments.
We are Mississippi State, and we are the best fans.
Boys, if y'all fail, the Skelton's will still back you.
If you do succeed, it will be the most deserved W.
We believe.

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