Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Still no Internet!

So the Skelton's have officially moved, but we still don't have Internet! So, at the moment, I'm stealing Wi-Fi from our neighbor, Frank. Thanks Frank!!

The reason we don't have Interent is, well, because Comcast is slow. We've always had AT&T. Well AT&T service in Hernando is lack luster, to say the least. So we decided on Comcast. They came out, examined everything...and we still don't have Internet; said it could be up to two weeks!!

Between moving and everything else, I also got behind on my coupons :(

Our new house doesn't have a dedicated office for Tay, so we had to build his office into the master bedroom. I think it turned out pretty great. We built the desk, I built the bookshelf, and I'm leaving the chair to him...I'm tired of building!

I've always loved Target. This is another reason why. When  I was building the bookshelf, the parts were separated by step. Genius. Thank you Target!

 In the past few weeks, Norm has gotten big enough to get himself on our bed. Normally, we have to pick him up. The other day, I was searching for him. No luck. I walked into our room, and there he was, passed out on the bed, fan blowing in his sweet face :)

 This sums up how I feel. Between being super busy at work and moving and unpacking, I want to be like Norman and just crash on the floor.
And no, we don't leave random trash lying on the floor, the Diet Mountain Dew box is Norm's toy.

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