Sunday, August 12, 2012

Homemade Doughnuts: Day Two

The dough after resting in the fridge all night (at least 8 hours.)

Once the dough is removed from the fridge, lightly flour your counter top.

And start rolling out the dough to 1/4 or 1/3 inch thickness.

Using a 3-inch cutter, cut as many rounds as you can, then roll out remaining dough and cut as much as you can, etc.

Then cut holes out of rounds using a 1 and a half inch cutter.
Place both doughnuts and holes on a floured baking sheet.

Cover with a large tea towel and place in a warm place. Notice I placed mine on our dining table under sun light. Allow the doughnuts to rise undisturbed for at least one hour. Doughnuts should be puffy and appear to be airy.

While the doughnuts are resting, play with your pooch. Or let your pooch nap while you take a pic or two of him.

After the hour is up and your doughnuts are looking puffy and airy, heat plenty of vegetable shortening in a large pot until the temp reaches 375-380 degrees - DO NOT let it get hotter than 380!!

Keep the thermometer in the pan to continually monitor.

While your shortening is heating up, go ahead and make your glaze.
3 cups of Powdered Sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon of Vanilla
1/2 cup Cold Water or Milk
Mix and mix and mix some more until it resembles a glaze.

One to two (or three if you're feeling randy) gently grab the doughnuts and ease them into the hot oil. Allow them to cook 1 minute on each side; they will brown very quickly.

Remove the doughnuts from the oil with a slotted spoon, allowing all the oil to drip off. Place the doughnut immediately on several layers of paper towels. Count to five, then flip over onto a clean part of the paper towels. Count to five, then flip over gain. This is to drain as much grease as possible before it soaks into the doughnut.

Repeat with the remaining doughnuts and the doughnut holes.
Once the doughnuts and holes are sufficiently rid of their grease, place the holes onto a cookie sheet, and place the doughnuts onto a rack above the cookie sheet.

Dip the doughnuts into the bowl of glaze and set back onto the rack. The run off glaze will make its way to the doughnut holes.

And if you're a Skelton and want your breakfast to be extra sweet, add some powdered sugar.

Place onto a cute plate and wake up your husband, "Honey, homemade doughnuts are ready!"

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