Monday, July 16, 2012

Just for Shiggles

First of all, sorry the pictures are not larger. They are obviously borrowed from the Internet, and when I try to make them larger, it jumbles everything together and becomes entirely to pixelated. So, for your convenience, I left the photos smaller - pull out your glasses!

 I laugh at this on the outside, but inside, it sickens and saddens me. I'm a hard worker, my husband is a full time unemployed student, and we get no help. Not from our parents nor the government. You know how we survive on a low income? Budget, coupons, and used everything! I think those millions on welfare should try our method for about a week, then at least maybe, just maybe they would appreciate all the hard work it takes to maintain a household when you actually have to work for it and aren't given anything.

 Enough said!

 This is absolutely true. Especially during this summer heat wave with temps easily reaching 105* and higher! The first time I wore a dress to work, my co-workers (men); "damn Liz, you actually look nice in a dress, you should wear them more often." I happily said if the weather continues to mirror Hell, I would be wearing dresses daily.

Sad and yet still so funny; to me, at least. What about 28 and married? Debt free? What's odd to me is that I've realized I'm no longer part of the norm. I'm 28 and kid free! When I tell people that I'm married, the first question they always ask is, "do you have kids?"
"No, we don't."
"Why not?"
"Because my husband is in school and funds are tight, and adding a baby to that would be too much stress, we are waiting."
"You wait too long and you won't be able to have kids." (WHAT???)
"I'm 28, there is plenty of time for kids later, I'm sorry that I didn't have a child when I was in high school, but I was too busy studying and preparing for college and trying to decide on a career. I'm sorry that my husband and I decided not to have kids right out of the gate, but we wanted to enjoy time together while we could."

I could continue this tangent, but I shall stop myself there.
Thanks for reading! And maybe laughing :)

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