Monday, July 2, 2012

Dresser Re--Do

My sweet hubs, Tater, as I affectionately call him, has been a nurse for years now. His closet consisted of scrubs. Every color, every size, every style. Now  he's dropped his nursing title and has adopted the title of full time student. School means dress code. Which means Tater needs more clothes; not scrubs. Which means I had to find room for said new clothes.

Enter Craigslist.

The Craigslist dresser. Missing handles, broken drawers, and scratched to smithereens.
In other words, right up my alley.

The top of the dresser was in rough shape. I thought (naively) that I could use some Old English furniture polish/scratch filler to update the dresser. The dresser disagreed. It ended up looking spotty and old and unloved; which sort of broke my heart. I always think that inanimate objects have feelings. I'm weird in that way, please don't judge. 

As I stated before, the dresser was in rough shape. The drawers were broken; fixable, but broken. Step one was to take everything apart and assess the state of the dresser.
The dresser actually is very sturdy, once those stubborn wheels were removed!

The drawers; removed, sanded, and painted.

The handles and wheels. Notice the wheels were nonexistent :(

The top of the 'new' dresser'

The top drawer was falling apart. And the drawer bottoms were made or particle board. We tried nails, finishing nails, liquid nails, nothing worked. BUT, I happened to have bought these fancy drawer pulls from Lowe's. I decided to take the entire drawer apart, scrap it, and just use the front of the drawer, for aesthetic purposes. Plus, the top drawer now serves as a great place to lay out clothes for the next day, which I am a big fan of!

The new dresser, next to our chest of drawers.

I know what you're thinking. Wow, that looks odd. Well we needed more space for clothes, and I am totally against putting a dresser in the closet. Number 1, who would see it (after all my hard work to make it pretty?!) And number 2, yes, you created space by putting a two drawer dresser in your closet, but also lost the shoe space...I need the shoe space :)

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