Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Norman, meet the bath tub

Norman is going to grow into a 150 beast in a few short months. Norm likes to play in the dirt and flip over his outside water bowl, which means Norm gets muddy. Very muddy. And stinks. For the time being (until he grows into his beastly frame), we've I've been bathing him in the tub. The first time in the tub, not so enjoyable. Cut to two weeks later, Norm hears the bath water running, and he runs into the bathroom.

Mama, is that water for me? I cans take a bath now? Pwease!

 Pwease, I wanna get in!
So I put Norm in the tub and jump in beside him. Panic sets in. But as soon as I get the soap out and start rubbing his belly and butt, he's a happy camper and a very enjoyable bather.

All done!
And he normally shakes off the excess water before I can throw the towel on top of him. And then he proceeds to run around the house, leaving huge wet puppy prints all over the carpet.
And then goes back outside to roll in the dirt.
Oh well, I tried. 

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