Thursday, June 21, 2012

Another Project

I know the photo quality is lack-luster. This was taken in a hurry with my cell phone.

So there it is. My latest purchase, and my soon to be next re-do. At the moment, it's a dresser, but it won't be that for long. If and when Tay and I move, we will need a TV stand. And I prefer old wood over modern glass any damn day of the week. So I got this gem for $50 on Craigslist. After researching, this piece of furniture could go from $150-$300! Not like I'm going to sell it once I'm done, but still, makes me know that I got a good deal.

Yesterday after work, Tay and I ventured to Byhalia, MS, about 30 minutes east of Southaven. Knocked on the door of the address I was given via email. Buying things on Craigslist is sketchy! A fella about my age opened the door, eating Ramen noodles out of his child's Winnie the Pooh bowl :)
I politely said, "I'm here about some furniture."
"My wife knows all about that, you probably better speak to her."
Wife comes to the door, hair slicked back in a greasy ponytail. Not your standard, I'm not showering today ponytail, but the kind where it looks like it's been a couple days since her last date with some shampoo and soap. AND, she was wearing a t-shirt with Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet from Titanic. Oh Lord, Tay and I have stumbled upon white trash - and before you get offended, I say that in a general sense. We all have our white-trash days. No shower, embarrassing t-shirt, no shoes. BUT, when you know that someone is coming to your home, take a shower, put on a decent shirt :)

After some friendly chit-chatting, money was exchanged, and the dresser was officially in my possession! It was a long ride back to Southaven, my husband is smart, but not very bright sometimes...he didn't secure anything down and the dresser rattled the whole way home :(

Maybe I will find the time (once I finish editing engagement, wedding, and newborn) to jump feet first into the next project. Stay tuned!!

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