Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Anniversary List

Our anniversary is just around the corner...OK, maybe not just around the corner, but in a few months, it'll be October, the month of our anniversary. And our 3rd one at that. I always start thinking about our anniversary in the summer, coming up with ideas; either travel or small gifts. Though I'm sure this year it'll be a small gift!

Do you know what the 3rd anniversary gift is? I didn't. I had to google it. Thanks google.
Want me to tell you what it is ? How about this, I'll just post the entire list.

The Anniversary Guide

1.  Paper (Traditional), Clocks (Modern)
2.  Cotton (Traditional), China (Modern)
3.  Leather (Traditional), Crystal/Glass (Modern)
4.  Fruit/Flowers (Traditional), Appliances (Modern)
5.  Wood (Traditional), Silverware (Modern)
6.  Candy/Iron (Traditional), Wood (Modern)
7.  Wool/Copper (Traditional), Desk Sets (Modern)
8.  Bronze/Pottery (Traditional), Linens/Lace (Modern)
9.  Pottery/Willow (Traditional), Leather (Modern)
10.  Tin/Aluminum (Traditional), Diamond Jewelry (Modern)
11.  Steel (Traditional), Fashion Jewelry (Modern)
12.  Silk/Linen (Traditional), Pearls (Modern)
13.  Lace (Traditional), Textiles/Furs (Modern)
14. Ivory (Traditional), Gold Jewelry (Modern)
15.  Crystal (Traditional), Watches (Modern)
20.  China (Traditional), Platinum (Modern)
25.  Silver
30. Pearl (Traditional), Diamond (Modern)
35.  Coral (Traditional), Jade (Modern)
40.  Ruby
45.  Sapphire
50.  Gold

I love how after anniversary 15, you are only given every 5 years!
OK, now let's get back to anniversary 3.  The gift is...leather? Leather? What in the hell am I supposed to give my husband that's leather?! I googled. Google suggested a nice leather belt, wallet, or satchel. Number one, my sweet man has 4 leather belts, a new-ish leather wallet, and he would never be caught dead wearing a satchel. Unless of course, he was Indiana Jones.

Google, your list is not helpful. So sorry. So here's what I think would make a better anniversary list:
Every year, for her: jewelry. It doesn't have to be diamonds or anything expensive. Simple as that.

For men, alcohol. Done and done.

You are so very welcome for this updated anniversary list :)

P.S. - The only one on the list we have abided by is Number 1 - we got each other cards, and took a week long road trip.


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