Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Winter Temps

I recently decided to do some spring (winter?) cleaning on my computer. I finally saved all my pictures on discs and deleted my games off my work computer (that broke my heart). Shiba, my affectionate name for my computer, was beginning to get aggravated with me, and me with her because she was getting slow :( It so sad that my three year old computer is now obselete.

Anywho, during my intense spring cleaning, I found some pictures that somehow slipped through the cracks and were almost deleted, forever. FOREVER! Thank God I saved them from a certain death. They are now safe and saved and labeled on individual discs.

I'm posting this picture because it was taken on a beautiful spring day, which means warm! Now, with winter in full swing, we all long for those summer temperatures. Its so weird how that works. In the summer, we pray for rain and cooler temperatures and its the complete opposite in the winter. We pray for warm dry days. We are never satisfied, and I have to admit, I'm the exact same way.

If we could combine seasons, I would want the long summer days, but with fallish temperatures. I love the long days in the summertime, you can accomplish so much.

I took this picture last spring in Georgia on an impromtu trip to Savannah. I love how secluded and desolate the pier looks. It just looks like a forgotten toy left out in the sanbox. Nobody is around and no one is playing around it. I'm sure it's much different during the summer, but I still like to think of this pier as an abandoned toy, something left behind by accident. And how a child is crying somewhere over their left behind toy.

As I do more cleaning of Shiba, maybe I will find some more pictures. Let's hope so!

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