Friday, July 13, 2018

Tater Baby Tres | 18 Weeks | Baby 3

18 weeks.
18 whole weeks growing our Tater Baby Tres.

Babe is measuring right on schedule and everything looked good on the ultrasound; all the praise hands !!

We were both anxious about our ultrasound; especially after a loss. Everything was still uncertain. With my other pregnancies, I've felt enormous movement at this point, and while I feel the little flutters sporadically, I'm not yet feeling those full blown 'whoa' movements. But seeing that healthy baby move and kick and dodge the ultrasound wand made us both happy and giddy with the possibilities for our Tater Baby Tres.

We plan on finding out the gender at some point, but we are waiting. What for? I couldn't tell you. Once we look at it, there's no going back. Right now there's a 50% chance it's a girl and a 50% chance it's a boy; once we open that envelope; it's all over. It's very Schrondinger's cat. And I guess we aren't ready to face it yet. So we will continue to postpone. As of right now, two people know the gender; and I'm like 98% sure they forgot the minute we left our appointment. Family and friends ask ALL THE TIME, how can you not know?! I would die. After doing it twice; it's really not that hard. I rarely think about it and finding out at delivery what you have is the most wonderful feeling in the world.

We have a sealed envelope awaiting us whenever we are ready!

Current weight gain is about 10 pounds, I can semi hide the belly if I want to, or I can put it on full display! Since I went to 42 weeks with Shepherd James ( the 11 pound newborn), none of my old maternity clothes fit...they are way too big. I'm loving the fact that I have Tay's t-shirts around the house and my general need for upsizing in my shirts is my life saver right now. My pants don't fit. So there's that. Like these hips are already getting ready for birth...and I'm totally okay with that.

Current stage? Eat all the things, regret eating all the things, complain about heartburn, then snack to make myself feel better. It's a vicious circle. Of hunger and heartburn and regret.

All in all, this pregnancy has been identical to the others, but I feel as if I can manage my symptoms and discomforts better now that I'm a 'pro.' I know that onions cause MASSIVE HEARTBURN so Taylor knows to force feed me Tums or Zantac or nix the onions all together.  Or listen to me burp and complain ALL NIGHT. He's kind of amazing.

I know that if I don't eat breakfast, I will get sick. Bad sick. So apples and peanut butter are my every morning staple. So far, the sickness and tiredness is passing (!!!) in exchange for the sore boobs and nosebleeds; and belly that no longer allows me to sleep on it.

Tater Baby Tres, we love and adore you. And are excited to meet you.

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