Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Cassibry | Bridal Session | Mississippi Wedding Photographer

When brides contact me about their wedding and mention that they are interested in a bridal session, I am all ears. I adore bridal sessions. Adore.

You paid all this money for this great dress and you're only going to wear it once? I don't think so!
A bridal session is the best time for us to get those dress shots without having to worry about them so much on wedding day.

It's also a trial run for hair and makeup and working out any kinks with the dress, shoes, etc...

Jeanne and I met up about a month before her wedding and had the best time!
You know what I hate about bridal sessions? The fact that I can't share them immediately!

Jeanne, you were a gorgeous bride, and I know you will make the most amazing wife. Thank you for trusting me to capture this special time in your life.

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