Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Shepherd James | 10 Months

Shepherd James is 10 months and into EVERYTHING.

He has 3 teeth, two on the bottom and one up top. His teeth are so crooked and wonky, but oh so adorable. That other top tooth is slowly making its presence known, and holy cow when he bites! It's the furthest thing from fun or comfortable, but we are working our way through it.

He's wearing 12-18 month clothes, size 4 diapers, and eats everything in site. Even the things that don't belong in his mouth. He still nurses a few times a day, but it's getting more tiresome to nurse the big guy. He moves and plays and pats my chest and kicks and pops off and goes back to it. He's the epitome of a distracted nurser; gymnurstics for sure!

He can now stand alone and is taking steps with assistance. We will get on the floor with him and try to coax him into walking, but then he'll plop his big butt down, giggle with his snaggle toothed grin, and crawl over. It's adorable.

He claps and dances and screams in delight when we play music or sing to him. If he's in a bad mood, all you have to do is clap and sing and he'll perk right up.

He's honestly the BEST baby ever. And we are still working on his sleeping. He's going down much easier now, but still isn't the best sleeper. Sometimes he'll sleep till 6:00am, and others, he's up at 3:00am and wants to play. So yeah.

Happy 10 months my sweet precious stud baby!

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