Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Shepherd James | 9 Months

My sweet baby Shepherd is the literally the sweetest baby you will ever meet. Hands down.
He loves us. He loves Norman. He adores his bubba Henry. He loves food. And bath time. And swinging and daddy blowing raspberries on his belly. He loves peek-a-bo and crawling into the hallway and peeking back at us with his HUGE blue eyes.

Apparently, you are not supposed to sleep train a breastfed baby, but guess what? We are working on it! He's big enough now where he shouldn't need to nurse multiple times a night. And we know that. And are trying to break him of that habit. Pray for us!

He loves real food and stealing Henry's juice and milk cups. He thinks 'if you're happy and you know' it the BEST song ever and is an awesome little clapper. He's pulling up on everything; me, chairs, Norman, you know, literally everything!

He has two big ole (crooked) bottom teeth and his uppers made their appearance last week. He's still nursing on demand and taking about 4 ounces while he's at daycare along with real food. He's an eater, no doubt.

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