Saturday, July 2, 2016

38 Weeks (Tater Baby 2.0)

Well, here we are at 38 weeks and guess what? I'm STILL pregnant! Praise the Lord!
Somehow, my 36 week post completely slipped my mind, pregnancy brain and all that.

At our checkup last week, baby is still measuring on the 'larger side' but is overall healthy and perfect. I told my doctor that I would prefer a big and healthy newborn over a smaller baby that needs more interventions and he wholeheartedly agreed. I am so lucky to have a doctor who listens to me!
And even pokes fun on occasion :)

Typically, at the hospital where we are delivering, they like to induce at 39 weeks just because. Because mama is tired of being pregnant, because baby is measuring big; not exactly medical reasons for an induction. Henry's induction was medically sanctioned - 40 weeks 4 days gestation with a history of PIH throughout pregnancy. This time, we are clear on our plan to wait and let nature take its course. IF baby hasn't arrived by 40 weeks, then we can talk more about an induction, but for now, Tay and I are praying that labor will start on its own around 40 or 41 weeks. Don't get me wrong, I am tired of being pregnant, but I also absolutely love it and have found ways to manage the severe heartburn and throwing up and blood pressure. The only thing I'm having a hard time dealing with now is the IMMENSE pressure... (you know where, don't make me say it). I feel like I'm carrying a bowling ball directly between my belly button and my lady bits. At my first check, doctor said that baby is super low (+1 station) and that he hopes/thinks/prays I should have an easy labor! Hooray!!
My cervix is posterior, which makes it a bit more difficult to check, but as of the latest checkup, I am not dilated or effaced.  Then again, that doesn't mean anything. Plenty of women dilate weeks before delivery, some progress from 0 to 10 within a matter of a few hours.

This time around, Tay and I are praying for the same thing we prayed for with Henry: a healthy baby and an easy delivery. Tay doesn't care how baby gets here, but I do...he's not the one that has to deal with recovery!

And now, the 38 week belly pic...with my Henry :)

Is my hair really that red?! WOW!

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