
Friday, July 15, 2016

Henry Wallace (12 Months Old)

**Disclaimer: This may be the longest post EVER! BUT, it's picture heavy, and we all LOVE pictures :) **

Some stats:
- Size 5 diapers
- 18-24 month clothes
- STILL sleeping through the night from 8:00PM to 6:00AM - thank GOD!
- Walks, talks (mama, daddy), crawls
- Claps and nods and points
- Weighs 26 pounds and is 30 (ish) inches tall
We won't have an accurate height for him until his one year check up, BUT we haven't scheduled it yet due to being 40 WEEKS PREGNANT WITH 2.0


One year.
One whole year.

My baby.
My boy.
My dear sweet Henry Wallace.
My hell on wheels, never stops, dirt loving, grass chewing first born; somehow you've been a part of our life for a full year now.  It's the the shortest year, yet I can't imagine life without you in it.

You are a force to be reckoned with.
You are non stop and all boy, but you love fiercely and deeply and give the best snuggles, but only on your terms. You are stubborn and silly. You are challenging and strong willed, but every time you giggle or laugh or do something silly, all the challenges slip away.

You jump fearlessly from the couch to the floor and from mama to daddy because you know we are there for you and will do everything in our power and beyond to protect and love and shelter you.
You are the best parts of us, and some of the bad :)

You play peek-a-boo with Norman all the time, and Norman doesn't play back, but you don't care. You like dog toys more than little boy toys and still think diapers and wipes are pretty cool to play with too.

When you get your mind set on something, you lower your head and run full speed at it; whether it be a snow cone or climbing onto the couch without assistance. You are too independent to only be one.

You love walking, crawling, singing and talking, dancing, playing in any kind of water and think being naked is a way of life. You eat anything sat in front of you, besides eggs, just like your mama!

Henry, you changed mine and daddy's life one whole year ago and for that, we are ever thankful.
We love you baby boy.

A look back at the past year:

To read Henry's birth story: click here
Holding my boy for the first time. He smelled so GOOD! And was so squishy :)
Daddy holding his baby boy for the first time; that's the look of LOVE...still can't believe I took this photo! Pretty sure I was mid placenta delivery; but didn't care!!!!
And I realize year later..that you can totally see the mesh panties I'm rocking, oh well!
New mamas; nursing tops and swaddling blankets are all you need the first few weeks/months.
Whatcha doing? Nothing, thinking about baby stuff.
I don't always enjoy milk, but when I do, it's mama's milk.
Our first "public" babywearing expedition...while dove hunting.
I think I liked the hallway better when it was yellow mama.
Life with a baby's always messy
Not sure about these birthday balloons mama!
This kid knows how to eat!
Testing out baby things for our 2.0...can't believe this big baby used to fit and sleep in this :(

A look back at Henry and Norman, through their first year together...

Norman meeting Henry for the very first time

Sharing some kisses
TV time. Norman is a great prop.

Comparing paws
Notice the TV - Henry's favorite movie :)
Waiting on dinner
He's like right there, isn't he?

We had Henry's birthday party 2 weeks before his actual birthday, just to ensure that he got his own party...just in case 2.0 arrives early. Here are some party photos...

Too much cake and icing mama...I'm done.

Happy birthday my sweet baby man. We love you.

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