
Monday, February 15, 2016

Henry Wallace: 7 Months

My stud baby is 7 months!

And here is what's happening so far:

We are sleep training at night...sleeping from 8:00PM to 6:00AM in his own room. Of course, this morning though, he decided to wake up at 5:00am! He's been sleeping in his room since about week 4, but he started waking in the middle of night expecting to be fed...knowing that he's not hungry, hence why we started sleep training. He typically wakes up once in the middle of the night, but will soothe himself and go back to sleep within just a few minutes, praise the Lord.

When we started sleep training, we also decided to start nap time in his room as well. Up until this point, naps have taken place on mama or daddy's chest, but sometimes there are things that mama and daddy can't do with a baby sleeping on their chest; work, use the bathroom, wash the dishes. If he's being super fussy and just fighting a nap to fight it, I'll put him the baby carrier and go about my business. Those things come with magic sleep dust and are an absolute lifesaver for a work at home mama like me!

He wears 6-9 month clothes and 9 month clothes and sleepers (but they are getting snug) and some 12 month clothes...he's long so his clothes never seem to fit for very long. All of his 6 month clothes are packed away :(

He is growing like a weed!
He babbles and talks a lot and says mama and dada. He loves to scream at us and then wait for us to scream back it him. It's a game and we happily oblige him.
He has two teeth. And has learned how to use them.

He's not crawling, but is rolling and scooting and just being super mobile without the crawling. He's pulling his legs under his body, thinks about crawling for about 2.5 seconds and then just gives up. That's my boy.

He loves waffles, bananas, peaches, squash, and sweet potatoes and lots of other real food.
He also gets some purees and is loving the apple/prune combo. He gets about 3 ounces of apple juice a day in his sippy cup and is becoming the master of the sippy!

Moved up to size 4 diapers and boy are they amazing. We use Baby Dry at night to ensure a good night sleep and NO LEAKS, and they are wonderful. 

Our daily schedule:
6:00am Up and ready for some food!
7:00-8:00am playtime (Mama works while Henry plays)
8:00-8:30am morning walk
8:30-9:00am BREAKFAST (solid food)
9:30-10:00am Nap time (Mama cleans up breakfast mess)
10:00-11:00am Cartoon time and reading
11:00-12:00 LUNCH 
12:00-2:00pm Playtime
2:00-3:30pm Bottle and Nap time (Mama tries to work, but end up watching Friends instead)
3:30-5:30pm Playtime with Daddy, maybe an afternoon walk
5:30-6:00pm Daddy feeds me real food, YUM!
6:00-7:00pm Wind down and tv time
7:00-7:30pm Bath
7:30-8:00pm Bottle Book Bed

And obviously, these change on a daily basis, but we started tracking things during the day to see if we could develop some sort of schedule and streamline my work with Henry's nap and play times. Some days it works, some days it doesn't!

Here are some pics from our life lately...

1 comment:

  1. What a precious bundle of Joy ❤️ I love Henry's beautiful baby blues ��❤️
