
Friday, January 15, 2016

Henry Wallace: 6 Months

Our little Henry Wallace is 6 months old! Granted, he was never THAT little, but gosh how he's grown?! Where is my 9 pound newborn? :(

"Little" man is 6 months old, weighs 21 pounds and is 30 inches long.
His nicknames from the newborn phase sort of stuck...we still call him Dubs and Bird.

And we had to get these matching shirts to commemorate the Bird.

Our doctor recommended starting Henry on pureed foods first and then transitioning to "real food." And so far so good! He loves bananas and asparagus and pancakes and cucumbers and sweet potatoes and peppers and avocados. He struggles to feed himself, but by some miracle, food does end up in his mouth and gets chewed, er gummed, and swallowed; and yes, we are just as amazed as you are. Baby led weaning is much easier than purees and making baby food, you just give baby what you are eating. If they like it, they'll eat it, if they don't, they won't.

His sleep pattern hit a rough patch when the time change and 4 month sleep regression and teething happened at the same time...what a horrible joke! But, I am happy to report that he's a pretty consistent sleeper now and typically sleeps from 8:00PM to about 6:30AM and then he may wake up for a snack and back down again until 7:30AM. That is, until this past week. This past week, my sweet sleeping baby has turned into a HORRIBLE sleeper...goes down at 7:00PM, up at 10:00PM, asleep again by 11:00PM and back up at 3:30 or 4:00AM. We have no idea what's causing it, other than a growth spurt, which we are hoping he'll 'grow out of soon.'

He's still rocking those size 3 diapers and we've officially stocked up on them. He can wear some 6 month clothes, but they are getting a bit snug. Six month sleepers are out of the question...his big ole feet don't fit! So he's officially wearing 9 month sleepers, and well, pretty much 9 month anything else as well.

He's rolling all over the place and is never very still for long. And I swear one day I tried to get him to sit up and he kept plopping over, the next day, he didn't plop! So, safe to say, we have a sitter on our hands! Our sitter still has NO teeth, but is teething and drooling like crazy. His best friend is Jeremiah, his teething bullfrog (in the 2nd picture below).

He loves to laugh and "talk" and even "sing" sometimes. And when he babbles, he says 'mama.' I promise he does. He loves blowing raspberries and thinks it's the best thing ever when you do it to him. Mama and daddy just started throwing some baby sign language into the mix just for fun! We are keeping it simple with: mama, daddy, milk, more, and all done. So far, he hasn't picked up a thing, but I love his face when I sign and say, 'Mama' really loud! :)

He loves being in the kitchen and helping with dinner or cleaning up. You just have to give him step by step details of what is being done, and he's set and happy!

He's saying, "This is my trikey and I love it! I can't wait to try it out! Thanks mama and daddy and Santa!"

People often asked what we were getting Henry Wallace for Christmas...and that's it. A convertible 4 in 1 trikey and diapers...he was only 5 months at the time. And as you can see, the box was a big hit! Then again, I think that is every child around this age.

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