
Sunday, January 3, 2016

12 Weeks {Tater Baby 2.0}

Yesterday marked 12 weeks pregnant with our precious Tater Baby 2.0...and things are feeling so much better! We are 6 days vomit free, praise the Lord. And now comes the weight gain; which I don't honestly care about, I want to gain enough to make sure we have a healthy baby and that's pretty much what the doctor said. With Henry Wallace, I gained right at 35 pounds and had an almost 9 pound baby...I'm totally fine with having big babies, as long as baby is healthy!

The sheer exhaustion of taking care of a 5 month old and growing a new human is starting to wane, and I'm not falling asleep every time Henry Wallace takes a nap. Does that mean that my energy is starting to return? Why, I do believe so!

Heartburn is still around, but I know what foods to avoid to help it not burn so much. Of course, once the 3rd trimester rolls around, even water brings about the heartburn. The main issue I'm having right now is pregnancy insomnia. I can't complain about it because at least I'm alert if Henry Wallace wakes up in the middle of the night!

Our next appointment isn't until February, and we have to make the decision about finding out the sex or not...If it's a boy, then we are set! If it's a girl, we are set until she reaches 6 months old because that's about when we started buying "boy clothes." I think we both are on the fence right now. Finding out has certain perks, but not finding out makes for such a rewarding delivery experience, especially since I didn't get that with the birth of Henry Wallace...the whole "it's a boy" thing didn't really matter when he was in distress and being intubated...mama and daddy were just praying for healthy! We are hopeful that this labor will be just as easy as Henry's, but that delivery goes a bit more smoothly.

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