
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Henry Wallace: 5 months

Henry Wallace is 5 months old!
And we officially started offering him pureed foods like sweet potatoes and squash...and he's in love.
Once he gets more used to the idea of eating and his grasp gets a little bit better, our plan is to try baby led weaning. If he's anything like his mama and daddy, he shouldn't have a problem :) His main source of nutrition is still formula and mama and daddy take the time to introduce "real" food a few times during the week.

Big man is 19 pounds and 29ish inches long (you try measuring a squirmy 5 month old!) He's wearing 6 month clothes and 6-9 month clothes. Trying to put him into anything 3 month is a joke...he looks like the baby Hulk with his "muscles" literally hulking out of his outfit. He's still rocking size 3 diapers and should be for while since they go up to 28 pounds, praise the Lord, now mama can stock up a bit!

He's been drooling like crazy since about week 10 and it just gets worse and worse, he is officially teething, but actually hasn't cut a tooth yet, but we know it's coming. He's a BIG fan of teething toys, but has an absolute fit when he drops his toy out of's the end of world. His fingers and toes are still the best teething toys.

He's rolling all over the place from tummy to back and from back to tummy and scooting all over the floor. He grabs for toys and his big brudder dog and loves pulling Norman's fur...Norman allows it up to a certain extent.

Bedtime is anywhere between 7:00 and 8:00PM and he usually wakes up about 4:30 or 5:00AM, has a light snack and then passes back out until 6:30 or 7:00AM...mama and daddy are sleeping and we are ever thankful! Naps are on a daily basis. Some days he'll take 5 15 minute naps, other days he'll take 2 or 3 long naps...and there are some days where naps are a distant memory.

He loves music, reading time, bath time, outside time, and something Tay and I call 'upside down TV time.' It's safe, we promise :)

Picking out our 1st tree with Henry Wallace!
How breakfast is done.
Morning naptime in the big bed.

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