
Saturday, April 20, 2019

Sidda Lee | 4 Months | Tater Baby Tres

Four months ago, our world changed (for the better) when little Sidda Lee Skelton joined the clan.

If you're interested in her birth story; CLICK HERE

She's perfect and sweet and is an absolute mama's girl. If she's fussy; she needs her mama. Daddy will suffice in a pinch, but only in dire circumstances. If she hears my voice in the room, no one else will do, she NEEDS mama. Some days I love it, some days I loathe it.

She's still our tiniest baby, but is exactly where she is supposed to be on the growth charts. We are used to babies that measure months in advance, while sister Sidda is measuring right on. She's about 14 pounds of sweet baby love and is rocking her size 2 diapers and 3 month and 3-6 month onesies.

She is, in a word, perfection.

She' rocking tummy time (in about 4 minute increments), can roll from tummy to back, and tries daily to work on her abs.

Since we are officially in the 4th month, Taylor and I have been dreading the 4 month sleep regression. It hit both boys so hard. And it actually took us from 4 months until about 12 months to get Shepherd to sleep, yeah, DREADING.

Thus far, Sidda Lee is a great sleeper; Lord don't let me jinx myself! She nurses from about 8:00 - 8:30 and then goes down smoothly. Some nights she will sleep until 6:00 or 6:30 and I wake up with hard bricks on my chest and others she will wake to nurse about 3:00, back down by 3:30, and then not wake up till 7:00. This girl loves to sleep, but she loves her morning time with mama too.

For the first 3 months, I did EVERY BIT OF NIGHT STUFF. ALL OF IT. What's the point in waking Taylor? He has to get up and do surgery the following day. He can't nurse a baby. What's the point? After 3 months of it, he decided (on his own y'all) that he wanted to help at night. Now, he wakes up when Sidda gets up, changes her diaper, and brings her to me to nurse...and then goes promptly back to sleep! But, when he goes in to get her, she's not fussing or crying. She's talking. Happily. And giggling. God we don't deserve this little one, but we are sure proud we were trusted to be her parents.

This month has been full of tagging along to work with mama, baby wearing, and snuggles/playing with my brothers.  She's the happiest of babies and is the perfect addition to our family. We still have a hard time grasping the fact there are 5 of us now.

Sidda Lee, you are the best little sister and we are thankful for you!

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