
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Sidda Lee | 3 Months | Tater Baby Tres |

My sweet little angel girl is 3 months, and it's been a good, fun three months.

She eats, she sleeps, she giggles, she farts, and then she eats some more.

I know we've pretty much had 3 kids in as many years, but if sweet Sidda had been our first or second; we'd probably have about 6 babies by now, she's that sweet and perfect. It's so hard to think that she had such a rough start in life and now she's here and amazing and absolutely perfect. I adore her. I mean, I flipping adore her. I cannot even think about my life without her. I'm not going to lie, when she was first born and put on my on chest after that slow labor/quick birth, I looked down at her and ... didn't feel anything. She didn't look like my other babies. She was tiny. But her face and brow were so swollen; her eyes were bloodshot, she wasn't what I was imagining my baby girl would look like. She wasn't cute. She wouldn't latch to my breast. She wouldn't urinate. She couldn't maintain her body temperature, her bilirubin was way too high. It was hard. But after a few hours, and seeing all the struggles she was going through and knowing she was going to struggle for the first few months, my mama gene kicked in and I loved her. I wanted to hold her and protect her and snuggle her. I wanted and needer her to be okay. After 5 days in the hospital, plus numerous visits after discharge, we are finally 'normal,' if that's even a thing!

She is loving mamas milk and can eat for hours on end and then can go hours without eating. No 2 days with her are the same.

She has the gummiest little grin, and the silliest little laugh. She rocks her turbans and topknots like no one else. She's an amazing little blessing and I'm super happy that she is mine. The boys adore her. If she's crying, they come over, 'it's okay Sidda, I here' and they will grab her hand and kiss her. I don't really know why or how I got some of the sweetest big boys on the planet, but I am thankful. Since day one there hasn't been any jealousy about sister Sidda or ANYTHING. There's plenty of jealousy between them (insert eye roll), but it never involves her, they just love her. And I love them even more for how the treat her.

She's a trooper. She's been all over to work with me and really hasn't complained about it too much. I guess she'd rather be with me than have to take a yucky bottle from daddy! We are still working on her bottle skills and she really doesnt care anything about a bottle. If it's a bottle from daddy, she's a bit more receptive, but if it's from anyone else, she will fight it. I think at this point she's had maybe 2 bottles and prefers the breast. I'll be honest, I do too; anything is better than having to pump.

She's rocking 3 month clothes and we are still in size 1 diapers; apparently pregnant me stocked up on A LOT of them, and we are trying to use them all before moving up to size 2. She's still lean, but her belly and thighs are FAT and beautiful and perfect. Her arms and legs are short; she's a cute little disproportionate thing. Her ears stick out more than either boys did, and one is lower than the's the strangest thing, but so cute! We didn't even notice it, our doctor pointed it out and now I think it's adorable. She recently found her hand/fingers and parades them around like she's the only person in the world who has them. It's the cutest.

She's not much of a crier. She can throw down if she's gassy or tired, and daddy is the master of getting her to go down if she's fighting sleep. As of right now, every night is different, but she's a decent sleeper and I am eternally grateful for it. Henry was a decent sleeper as a baby, but Shepherd was HORRIBLE. He didn't have ONE night of sleeping through the night until he was 11-12 months old. We were expecting the same with Sidda, but she's just an all around different baby.

I do a have *trick* for making things easier with a newborn. Lower your expectations. For real. We've already had 2 pretty rough newborns, add to the fact they are exactly 12 months apart, and things can't get much harder. With Sidda, we just assumed she would be an ass of a baby; not sleeping, crying all the time, or God forbid, a colic stricken NIGHTMARE like Henry. Once you've experienced that, and God gives you a break in the form of a cute yet disproportionate angel, you can handle ANYTHING. And even when she does that occasional bad night, I look at her and think, you're all mine. And I love it.


Some iPhone snaps from the past month:

First night in her room. In her crib. She did great. I didn't.

After nursing snuggles 

Red Robin trip!

Real quick...which brother does she trust more?

Happiest little angel

The boys built a fort around Sidda 

All three in one photo, it can be done!

We are loving having Sidda around. I asked the boys if they remember what life was like before Sidda, and they said nope! Same guys, same.

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