
Friday, August 10, 2018

Tater Baby Tres | 22 Weeks | Baby 3

22 weeks.

A whole 22 weeks growing this babe. And it's been pretty good so far! The only 'complaints' I'm having right now are the insomnia and heartburn...But being pregnant in the past, I feel like I'm a pro at managing these symptoms. I use the term pro 'loosely.'

The insomnia is new to me; and not fun. I'm up every 2 hours at night to use the restroom and then have the hardest time going back to sleep. I know I can take Benadryl, but I'm the weirdo that refuses medicine until the absolute last minute. I'm of the mindset to find the cause and treat that; other than just taking a pill. Weirdo, I know.

At this point in my pregnancy with Shepherd, I was a full 10 pounds more than I currently am, so we may avoid an 11 pound newborn this time around!!! I find myself craving more healthier foods this time around; I eat salads everyday and am still peanut butters biggest fan. So that's a plus. I'm completely on board with having a baby in the double digits, but the rest of my body would definitely prefer an 8 or 9 pounder. I feel like I could sneeze an 8 pound baby out no problem!!

I'm not feeling much movement this time around and we found out why; anterior placenta. So that makes this mama heart feel a lot better. And it also explains some crazy spotting I had early in the 2nd trimester. With my boys I could easily discern their movements by 15 weeks...still at 22 I have a hard time feeling movement.

Also, can we talk about pregnancy after miscarriage? I was scared, heartbroken, shaken when we lost our 'November' (babe was due 11.16.18)), and I thought once I became pregnant again, it'd be easy. But its not. I doubt myself and my body all the time now. Every time I get a cramp, I'm afraid this is it. It's happening again. My body is betraying me. This I feel a small kick and know that Tater Baby Tres is doing good. Motherhood is exhausting. And full of worry. But I'm doing my best to embrace it all; the good, the bad, the worry, the all of it.

At every appointment we are THRILLED when we hear that strong heartbeat. It takes away the stress and anxiety and makes dreaming of this baby girl more fun; we've even started shopping and are embracing the pink - in small doses!

Since this is our 3rd baby, I'm absolutely horrible at documenting the weeks; we do it when I remember it, which is way too sporadic!

Happy 22 weeks Tater Baby Tres!!

Thanks to the hubs for these photos! He indulges about 85% of my whims and does it with only mild disdain. He's pretty great!

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