
Friday, June 1, 2018

Tater Baby Tres | 12 Weeks| Baby 3

So we've officially announced to the world that we are expecting baby # 3, but I realized I haven't written it about here, so here we go!

We are 12 weeks along and Tater Baby Tres is looking GREAT. Which makes this mama endlessly happy; especially after our loss earlier this year. Every day, every week that we progress makes my heart happy. I'm known for holding onto pregnancies for too long (41 weeks with Henry; 42 weeks with Shepherd), so Lord willing this one will hold on as long.

I am flat out exhausted. I'm shooting everyday, editing all day, plus raising 2 kids, trying to be a wife and ensuring dinner is done and everybody has clothes to wear.


Tay is amazing at picking up the slack. I tell him what I want to eat and that man makes it happen.
Ice cream sandwiches? After visiting 4 stores, he finally found a store that has them and bought me four. He's a saint y'all, an absolute saint.

I'm not yet in maternity clothes, which is a great feeling. At this point with our 2nd (Shepherd), I was already wearing maternity clothes because I was only 4 months postpartum and 2 months pregnant!!

Most of my shirts still fit; and I attribute this to normally sizing up on my shirts anyway. Pants? Well, those size 8's are long gone and I'm rocking some 10's and 12's from my postpartum days. Maternity pants aren't far away; and I'm ready to embrace it. Bring on all the stretchy goodness!

Here's to 12 weeks Tater Baby Tres!!!

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