
Thursday, January 4, 2018

Walt + Laura | Mississippi Proposal Session

Two months ago, I put a model search on my Instagram and Facebook page; and the entries rolled in. I poured over everyone's stories and photos, having the hardest time deciding who would win the session. Then, Walt called me.

His girlfriend Laura had already entered their names for the session, but Walt didn't want to do just a regular photo session...he wanted to propose; during the photo session they won. It was the perfect guise to get Laura on board.

Walt and I talked almost daily for months; planning and scheming, and lying, trying to keep the ruse up and make sure Laura was surprised.

We initially had the plan to shoot at a waterfall, but the freezing temperatures swayed our plans. We decided to hit our back up location; and let me tell you, it was PERFECT.

Walt, Laura, Heidi (Laura's twin sister) drove for hours, hiked for miles, and then started shooting the session. The location was packed with tourists and outdoor enthusiasts, and we all show up in dresses and heels...we had no idea what we were getting into.

We shot for about 45 minutes, and I told them, I'm done. I got what I need. Let's pack up and head out to our other location.

That's the moment Walt took over. And proposed. And Laura became more than this girlfriend; she became his fiance.

Throughout the session (before the proposal), Laura kept saying this was perfect day. Then, something happened. We heard a dog bark. And then we saw this majestic Harlequin Great Dane; and Laura started crying. She's an avid dog lover and even had a Harlequin Great Dane on her Christmas list. While crying the happiest of tears, she says, "this day cannot get any better!" Walt, Heidi, and I all exchanged a knowing glance, because within just a few minutes, her day really would get better.

Walt and Laura; thank you. Thank you for letting me be a part of your love story. Thank you for letting me document your beginning. Thank you for being amazing!

Congrats y'all! 

If you'd like to see ALL the images from their proposal session, CLICK HERE

Also, if you're thinking of proposing or are already engaged, call me.
I focus on love and family and connection and moments. If that's you, then I'm your girl.

If these images speak to you, and you want your story documented, I'd be honored to document your story; no matter has messy or mundane you think it is; I know it's perfect.

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