
Monday, February 13, 2017

Motherhood Mini Sessions

Has there ever been a word that embodies so many different tasks and emotions? This one word evokes so much; unconditional love, care, snuggles, exhaustion, sleepless nights, worry, and so much more. But it's all worth it. We, as mothers, would do it all again tomorrow, and would keep trying to do better by our children.

Motherhood is the one thing that bonds us women as sisters. We are all in this together. We all do it differently, but we all do it to the best of our abilities for our children.

There are many things that inspire me, being a mother is the most inspirational thing I've ever encountered. There is nothing quite like being a mother. The selflessness, the forgiveness, the unending love.

Regardless of our situations, they should all be celebrated. Did you yearn for that baby long before he was conceived? Did you struggle with infertility and this child is your biggest blessing? Do you want more children, but circumstances are preventing you from adding on. I feel you mama. I know that deep feeling that only new life and the hope for new life can bring.


This session is about getting in the frame with you little one(s). It's empowering and important. These images aren't only for you, they are for you and your children. They are a tangible record of how you love and how you are loved.

Each session will be unique and will be you. They are completely emotion and moment based. There are no expectations other than for you to be completely present and love on your children as only you can. I may facilitate certain scenarios, but I will be there merely as a creative witness.


Any Mama and her child (children.)
Expectant Mamas– I am also happy to photograph you and your beautiful belly with or without children. You can also use this session for you and your spouse alone.

Session dates will be spread sporadically throughout the Spring, the dates are open ended to assure there are no scheduling conflicts. The exact location will be sent to you one week prior to the shoot.
There will be vintage quilts and afghans to snuggle up in if you so choose to include those. I also am working on a beautiful vintage bed if you want that incorporated. If you are wanting a flower crown for little girls, let me know and I'll recommend an amazing florist to get it done.



Each session will last a maximum of 30 minutes. You will receive a minimum of 10 edited images on a custom USB with the print release, an online viewing gallery to share with friends and family one week after the session, and full set of archival 5"x 7" prints of the session.

This is an investment, but its deeply discounted because I wholeheartedly believe that each mama should have special images with her children before they grow older.  I believe that ALL mamas need images like these. This is your legacy.

To schedule your session, click HERE
Please use 'motherhood' in the subject line.

Thank you mamas, I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you love on those babies soon!

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