
Monday, September 26, 2016

Shepherd James - Two Months

Heading to the office
My sweet baby Shepherd or Sheppy Shep or Shepster as we call you, you are two whole months old today and are the size of a 6 month old! My sweet 10.9 pound newborn is a BIG BABY and growing every single day. According to our home scale, he's weighing in at 16 pounds. Y'all, I know one year olds who don't weigh that much...maybe I should have laid off the donuts throughout pregnancy :)  I promise I actually exercised and really didn't overdo it on the donuts...apparently, he just stole every little bit of nutrients I had. He's still wearing  those size 3 diapers and should be for a while..unless he hits the biggest growth spurt this side of the Mississippi! His clothing size varies from day to day, but the smallest he can SQUEEZE into is 3 months, but he seems to be happier and have a bit more room in 3-6 month clothes, on the daily he's wearing 6 month clothes.

He's still loving the boob juice and we are nursing on demand with a pumped bottle given by daddy every so often if I'm working or at my wits end :) Hello, honesty.

He loves his brother (we think), loves to be outside, enjoys short car rides, and bath time is the best time. He likes watching Norman trample over Henry; giggles when you kiss his belly or dangle hair in his face. He's a ball of fun and we are lucky that he is ours. Tay, is it too soon to talk about Tater Baby Tres :) I'm ever so thankful that Taylor doesn't read this blog...I'm only 99.9999% certain that he would kill me if I even mentioned a 3rd child right now. He keeps trying to push back our "start trying for kid 3 date" but that's a post for a later date.

As of right now (praise the Lord), he's an excellent sleeper. We put him down between 7:00 and 8:00PM and he typically sleeps until 2:00 or 3:00AM, nurses for 15-30 minutes and goes back down until 6:00 or 6:30PM. Of course, now that I've written that down and committed it the Internet for all of eternity, this child will wake every hour tonight and I'll regret this post. I'll keep y'all updated.


Daddy makes me giggle...see next 3 photos

We don't do a lot of tummy time because let's be honest, this kid has been doing this literally 6 seconds out of the womb. I have the photos to prove it. When you birth an 11 pound baby, things are just different. He's already rolled over, from tummy to 8 weeks old. We thought it was a fluke, then he did it three more times! We anticipate him to be walking next week.

Tummy time, more like nap time.
Trying to get him to cough!

Some iPhone snaps from the month:

Merlin is magic.
Flying with Daddy
My stud babies. Left: Henry 8 weeks. Right: Shepherd 8 weeks.

Tandem babywearing: YES!
We got a new (discount) rug from Target. Everybody likes it.

This past month and the coming month are shaping up to be crazy busy with work, travel, and just life. Here's hoping I remember to post his 3 month update :)

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