
Friday, August 26, 2016

Shepherd James - One Month

Dude, you've been around for one whole month now and it's been awesome.

We went in for a checkup at 3 weeks and you are a whopper at 12.4 pounds; up 1.5 pounds from birth. He eats ALL THE TIME. Seriously. No wonder he's such a chunk. I'm sure by now he's probably up to 13 pounds!

He never wore newborn diapers and we've only used size 1 for about the first 2 weeks, so this big ole stud baby is in size 2 diapers and rocking 3 month clothes...he's healthy.

Sleep in our house is an elusive thing. An almost nonexistent thing. The babies? Yeah, they sleep great! The parents? Not so much. Henry started sleeping in his room at 4 weeks old. Shepherd at 4 weeks old is still sleeping in our arms. No joke. The only comfortable sleep position for him seems to be his belly, which I do for naps, but I cannot do that at night. And I know, I know, there are certain monitors that you can buy that measure his pulse oximetry or "back in my day babies slept on their tummies and survived"...Right, but the SIDS rate was 50 times higher then, so no thank you. I'd rather not sleep than risk my babies health and well-being.

Typically, I feed him and put him down (in a swing - praise the Lord, something works!) about 9:00 or 10:00 and he'll sleep till 1:00. Wake up, change diaper, nurse, mama falls sleep while nursing, Shep wakes back up at 4:00, nurse again, actually put baby in swing, mama escapes to the couch and then come 6:00am Henry wakes up and chaos ensues!

Our house is a mad house. There are no other words to describe it. The mornings are getting better and better, but the evenings are pure craziness! But, we are all adjusting and learning what works and what doesn't and oddly enough, Tay and I think that we somehow have a handle on the craziness.

There are some days where I feel like I am super woman. Babywearing and nursing Shep all while cooking dinner and entertaining Henry...and then there are days where I nurse Shep in the recliner and leave Henry to his own devices and order pizza #survivalmode And then there are days where daddy is superman and does bath time and dinner and everything in between; and then there are days where he naps on the couch with Law and Order playing in the background while Henry destroys the living room.  Balance, y'all, balance.

 Shepherd eats ALL THE TIME, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Breastfeeding is all about supply and demand. He demands it but being attached constantly, and boom, I produce it. Not only am I superhero for being a mama, but I also make milk...that sustains my baby. That. Is. Awesome.

This first month has been an adjustment period, but we are handling it and surviving. Our goal next month is the exact same thing: survival. 

Matching daddy. In facial expression too :)
Those sweet cheeks.
Not so sure about being a big brother

I've got this big brother thing down!
Big brother suites Henry; he loves it!

40 weeks 5 days pregnant - 3 weeks old
Those rolls! This is like 4 days old!
What I do...all the livelong day.
Excuse me? Y'all?
It's not all smiles and snuggles.
Showing off his Elvis lip.
Shep found a pretty cool pillow.

Now, let's compare these two boys.

Shepherd - 3 days old
Henry - 7 days old
Henry - 7 days old
Henry - discharged from hospital
Shepherd - discharged from hospital

And in these car seat pictures the infant insert for Shep had to be moved to accommodate his big self. We had it on the "newborn" setting seen in Henry's photo, but when we initially to put Shep in it, it didn't work! We've even had to adjust it again...the kid won't stop eating :)

Thanks for being an awesome baby Shepherd, we love you and look forward to the next stages!

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