Friday, July 8, 2016

Breastfeeding Bins

Breastfeeding is hard.

Any person who has done it can tell you that. It takes time and sacrifice and devotion.
With my first pregnancy, I was under the assumption (as most new or soon to be mothers are) that breastfeeding is natural and therefore easy. I'm here to tell you, at least for me, that was a BIG ole pile of bologna. Godspeed new mama's in your endeavor, I pray that yours is a simpler journey than mine. Regardless of how long you do it, please remember that fed is best. In 3 years, it won't matter if your child was bottle or breastfed...they will be eating food off the floor and licking shopping cart handles at Wal-Mart #truthbomb

I've already talked about my postpartum kit and the breastfeeding essentials that I've included in that; you can check out that post here.

That post mentions the lactation cookies and smoothies and supplements that help with keeping your supply up to meet the demands of your little one. This post is about once you sit in that glider in your nursery with a baby on your breast and you realize you need water, or your phone, or a snack, or a pillow, or a moments worth of sanity.

Insert the breastfeeding bin. I realized a need for this about 2 days into my first breastfeeding journey. The moment I would sit down, I would ask Tay for a million and one things; and one day, the genius that he is, suggests "you need a bin that holds all this crap for you right next to you so I don't have to get up a million different times." Tis true my dear, tis true.

So this time around, I am taking no chances. I have started creating 2 breastfeeding bins; one for our room (where 2.0 will sleep for the first few weeks or months) and one for the living room; that way I am never without. I also plan on putting in different Gilmore Girls DVDs into each room that way I always have something to watch, other than the sweet sleeping babe, priorities folks.

And now, the bins!

 My breastfeeding bins include: Fiber One cookies and snack bars (fiber is super important; especially after delivery!), Clif peanut butter bars (they are to die for!), Motts medleys which are little fruit snacks, peanut butter nabs, and then my Milk-Saver to attach to the breast that I'm not feeding from to catch all the leaks. This mama is not wasting any milk!

I've also started throughout this pregnancy to keep multiple ice waters around the house for myself so when I get thirsty, I've got easy access. While pregnant, I allow myself two caffeine drinks a day, one cup of coffee in the morning and then an 8oz Coke in the afternoon to fight the sleepys. My plan is to continue this once breastfeeding or maybe cut one out and replace with Gatorade. Either way, hydration is muy importante!!

Another good thing to have on hand would be some entertainment. I know what you're thinking; "I'll be so busy watching my babe eat/sleep that I won't need a book or my phone" me, you will. I promise. I still enjoy watching Henry eat, but sometimes, a mama needs to check her email or Instagram or take that quiz on Buzzfeed to find out who her ideal celebrity mate is :)

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