
Saturday, June 4, 2016

Tater Baby 2.0 {34 Weeks}

Approximately 6 weeks until our Tater Baby 2.0 arrives and makes this family a million times crazier than it already is, and we are excited!!

So in the last post about this pregnancy, I commented on how much smoother this pregnancy has been than mine with Henry's; well that's gone out the window now, y'all.

We had a scheduled ultrasound yesterday just to check on the size of baby, amount of fluid, you know, all the ever important stuff. The ultrasound went great, and par for the course, this baby is also measuring two weeks ahead, just like Henry was. But we are okay with that. We would much rather have a large(ish) healthy baby than a small baby that needs more and more interventions.
During the ultrasound, I kept feeling pain. Not quite contraction pain, and yet more pain that cramps pain. We decided to walk around the hospital bit, see if the pain would quell itself. It never did. It had been going on for over 5 hours with no distinct rhythm and was slightly panicking us. And to all the mamas out there, yes I know what Braxton-Hicks are, I've been feeling them since 28 weeks and it was not them!

The perks of working at the hospital where we will deliver are endless. On our walk around the hospital, we stopped by OB, and the most gracious nurse (who I pray will be our nurse on D-Day) said we would do a non-stress test, just to measure the contractions and see how baby responded to them. Now if we all remember, Henry reacted horribly to the contractions (or it could have just been the Pitocin) so this had me worried. What if baby was already reacting horribly to the contractions this early? What would it mean for us?

The nurse came in after the required 30 minutes, looked at the strip and said, "That's the most beautiful strip I've ever seen. You are definitely contracting, but as long as it's not changing the cervix, all is well. With each contraction, we see baby responding beautifully." Mind eased.
Can I mention how nice it was to lay down for 30 minutes without a thing to do? Heaven, y'all, heaven. I may go back on Monday :)

After that, we went home and I told myself to rest. Only, I had a new pain creep up. A sharp pain in my upper abdomen accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Any time I would try to keep fluids down, they would come back up. I would take a single bite of food, it would immediately come back up. I really try not to complain about pregnancy because, on the whole, it's a wonderful thing and I personally know at least 10 women who would kill to be right where I am. So I don't. Yes, of course, pregnancy is hard, but it's worth it. And I really do love it. But, once that sharp pain set in and didn't let up and after an hour of laying on the bathroom floor, I told Tay I was dying. There was no doubt. He asked me to describe my symptoms and he said it sounded like a gallbladder issue. Wait, isn't that an obese person's issue? I mean, I know I'm pregnant, but come on! He said sometimes the hormones in pregnancy cause other body systems to "malfunction" and no I wasn't fat...(trained him right, y'all.)

I'm one of those super lucky people who get "morning" sickness in the first trimester and even more so in the last. Like bad. Like pull over the car on the interstate bad. My life is now a mix between which side I should get my shot on. Should I get Zofran this time or Pheneregan? And eating is a chore. Nothing reminds you to chew your food into the tiniest pieces like vomiting 20 minutes after eating. I could write a book on what's good and not so good coming back up...Ritz crackers, HORRIBLE. Rice Krispy Treats? Amazing!

Enough of that now...I'm feeling much better and we are in the home stretch. I pray this baby comes on his/her own time, but I pray that it's around 40 weeks and not this soon.

Now, what you really want to see...a little picture of Mr. or Mrs. Tater Baby 2.0:

And me with the 34 week belly; when people ask how I am now, I always say, "large and in charge!"
And I wouldn't want it any other way...

If my energy level doesn't start to wane in the coming weeks, these post will be coming every two weeks up until D-Day!!

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