
Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Henry Wallace (11 Months)

Little dude has had a BIG month.
He's still weighing in about 25 pounds and is 30 (ish) inches tall.
He's wearing 12-18 month and 18-24 month clothes. He's definitely healthy :)
He's still rocking size 4 diapers during the day and size 5 baby dry at night, just to ensure that he's kept extra dry! We are slowly phasing out all size 4 diapers and moving on to bigger and better (and more absorbent).

He has 4 teeth (2 top, 2 bottom) and knows how to use them. He eats everything in sight and is not opposed to gnawing on mama or daddy's fingers on occasion. Brushing his teeth is an exercise in futility; I wish I was kidding. My fingers always end up between those teeth.

He's been sleeping GREAT lately and we are ever so thankful. He's sleeping from 9:00 to till about 7:00 or 7:30. There are no words. I get up a little earlier, have my coffee, start working and then he wakes is awesome!

He went on his 2nd official road trip all the way to Atlanta to surprise his Aunt Brandy and Aunt Susan and it was GREAT! Susan was a HUGE help in planning to surprise Brandy. She travels a lot for work, but hardly ever gets to come this we decided to take on the challenge and trek out to Atlanta. Other than some sickness that found our little family, it was a good trip and it felt great being able to genuinely surprise someone. We look forward to their visit when our 2.0 arrives.

Aunt Brandy & Aunt Susan's dog Reba wasn't fond of Henry at first!
His new sleeping buddy, Willie the Whale Shark
Henry LOVED hotel life.

This month he also started attending daycare at the Methodist church. And so far, we LOVE it. It's great because he can go some days or stay at home and we can pick him up whenever we want. We wanted to get him in somewhere before 2.0 was born for numerous reasons: make it an easier transition from one baby to two, to get him used to being around other children, start learning about the Bible, allow me time with the new baby to establish breastfeeding and a million more things...

Everyone said that when Henry started daycare that he would get sick. I think it's a miracle that we made it 10 months before any sickness hit him. I know some children his age who already have tubes in their ears due to constant sickness or have been hospitalized, but so far, Henry's been decently healthy. We all caught a bug while in Atlanta, and while Tay and I have shaken it for good, Henry can't seem to get over it. We thought he was tugging his ears because of teething and had them checked and they were fine, but we started a course of Zyrtec for allergy symptoms (runny nose, watery eyes, etc...) Less than a week later, he was still tugging at his ears and decided to go in for a double check and guess what? One ear was a little red :( To be safe, he started a course of antibiotics to knock out the redness and any possible infection. And then this happened:

It's not as bad as it looks. It didn't bother him one single bit. He didn't even notice it.  He got to stay home with mama all week, got lots of extra loving (see pic below) and I promise it's not contagious; it's just an allergy. But when it first popped up, we both panicked. Tay called the clinic and got an appointment for the same day. Upon entering the room, our nurse practitioner said immediately, "I know exactly what this is." Tay and I both, "WHAT IS IT?!?!?!?!"

Turns out that 2 people who aren't allergic to anything can have a child who is sensitive to amoxicillin; which really isn't a big deal. It means that he's sensitive to the whole family of -cillin medications, but the reason they are so often prescribed is because of their effectiveness and also their cheap means that we may have to shell out a couple more bucks to ensure this doesn't happen again, okay, fine by us!

I'm happy to report that Henry is totally on the mend and looks a million times better, thank God!

And somehow, out of the blue, my little stud baby started walking while we were in Atlanta! He would take 3 or 4 unassisted steps and ever since being home, he's practicing often (and busting it even more often), but we are so proud. He was walking the other day and once his step count got up to 20, I stopped counting. Ever since he was born, I always told people who asked, "is he rolling over yet? Is he holding his head up yet? Is he sleeping through the night yet? Is he crawling yet? Etc..." that we NEVER focused on when a milestone was hit, we would just be thankful that he hit it. Tay and I both were older when we learned to walk and talk and we both are fine; so we assumed that Henry would do things later developmentally as well. I know sometimes when people ask those questions, it's a general curiosity, but doing it out of spite or meanness is wrong. Each child develops at their own pace and SHOULD NEVER be compared to other children. Rant our 2.0 not walk or talk till he/she is 5!! But guess what? Regardless of when a milestone is hit, it will be celebrated!

And here's whats been going on this past month:

Henry was unsure about the watermelon
He played under the table and licked the window
Did boy stuff outside
Did boy stuff inside

Went to 2.0's checkup with mama

Fought sleep
Helped Daddy clean the truck
Ate a pancake or 12
Took a bath with mama and the baby belly
Helped Daddy weed the flower bed
This month has been super busy and fun and nonstop and even Tay said the other day, "Man this age is my favorite, he's so much fun!" And it is! We love our Henry and are excitedly planning his first birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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