Sunday, May 15, 2016

Henry Wallace (10 Months)

Y'all, my big ole baby is 10 months and is into everything. I mean everything. The dog food (that we've moved 12 times), the water bowl, the dirty clothes, the Tupperware cabinet, the refrigerator, the dog toy bin...You name it, he's played in it. For real. Oh and yes, we have baby proofed.

He's still rocking those size 4 diapers, God bless Pampers Cruisers! And is wearing 12-18 month clothes, though I've started to buy a few 18-24 months that I find on sale. He doesn't like sleepers anymore, so he's been sleeping in Old Navy pajamas that we LOVE. He's still in the 99th percentile for height and weight. Thankful for a healthy baby boy!

He's still crawling like crazy, pulling up on everything, using mama and daddy as jungle gyms, standing on his own, and walking with assistance.

He's also discovered a certain part of his anatomy and diaper changes and bath time now focus on that. Ugh!

He's sleeping pretty consistently from 8:00 - 6:00 which is GREAT! Some nights he goes down a bit later or a bit earlier, but try for an 8:00 bedtime.

His favorite food is waffles and blueberry yogurt and french fries which he steals off of my plate. Then he hoards about 20 fries in his mouth and gets mad when you start digging them out. He is definitely my child, crying over food :) 

The two top teeth have started to come in, and it's been a nightmare for him :(
He's still sleeping great (thank God), but you can tell his teeth bother him and make him extra fussy when its nap time. So, in other words, he's chewing on EVERYTHING, but if it keeps him happy and isn't harmful, we let it happen. Chew the dogs tail? Go ahead, Norman doesn't mind.

A glimpse of what's been happening this past month:

Don't judge me by my hot pink teether...It feels good!
Little man did great for our wildflower session
Planning the jail break
Nap time is over...let's play!
First time seeing a bear
Unimpressed by the otters

iPhone snaps:

Monthly Target trip
Look Mama, I'm Superman!
My silly 10 month old LOVES showing off his tongue.

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