Sunday, April 24, 2016

28 Weeks (Tater Baby 2.0)

Can we cue the hallelujah chorus and sing the praises of the almighty 3rd trimester?!
We made it! Today marks 28 weeks (technically 28w1d)! Only 12 (ish) weeks left till we meet our 2.0 and find out if Baby Henry will be a big brother to a little brother or to a little sister! The suspense is KILLING me. I'm thinking with 3rd baby (if hubby wants to push our luck) we need to find out the gender as early as possible! This whole 'team green' thing is EXHAUSTING, but fun.

We had our 28 week checkup on Friday, and y'all, this pregnancy is going much smoother than mine with Henry did. The highest blood pressure reading we've had so far has been 130/80...which is NORMAL for me; so far no meds and I'm thrilled! I also passed my gestational diabetes screening with flying colors - and I got to avoid that horrible drink and my doctor let me drink a Coke and have a Snickers ok, that's a regular day in my life, but doing it for medial reasons felt amazing! Everyone needs a doctor like mine :)

Also, since I really am trying to be more active and more conscious about my eating habits I've only gained 1 pound in a month...1 whole pound! Who knew that being (semi) healthy during pregnancy could affect all this? Don't get me wrong, I'm still indulging in donuts and a Coke here and there; but my drink of choice is water or any blue Gatorade. No worries though, I've already gained 25 pounds this pregnancy, so we are healthy!

My iron levels are good thanks to my extra iron supplement and eating copious amounts of slightly under cooked meat! Whatever it takes for the baby, right?

Tay and I are debating on getting a  3D/4D ultrasound...debating being the key word. With Henry, we had scans often due to my blood pressure and the fact that he was always measuring weeks ahead; and it was so hard to NOT find out the gender. But now, since we aren't getting those regular scans, (that I'm kind of used to) I feel like we need at least one. I want to see if 2.0 looks like big brother...snub nose and a wrinkly little brow :)

Since we are 28 weeks, it means we have to get the Rhogam shot. No biggie, it just protects me and baby just in case we have different blood types. Since daddy is O+ and I'm O- our blood types are incompatible...2.0 will have either one; and if it varies from mine, I will have to have another shot post delivery. I remember after Henry was born asking my nurse, "What about my Rhogam?!" She said, "No worries, he's O- like you so it's not necessary."

I know 12 weeks seems like a lot and then it doesn't. In the first trimester, you pray for the first 12 weeks to hurry up so you can relax a little, but in the later part of pregnancy, at least for me, I enjoy and relish and bask in all my pregnant "glory" and sort of wish it would slow down. I'm sure I'll regret that statement when I'm 38 weeks and huge and miserable and turned down an elective induction, so don't say 'I told you so,' I'm telling myself so right now!

And if you haven't read it, I've updated the Postpartum Kit (FINALLY) to include some breastfeeding essentials. You can check out that post  here

And since this is my 2nd pregnancy with approximately 12 weeks left, I figured it was about time to crack a book or 5!  My birth plan this time around is the exact same as it was with Henry; go to the hospital pregnant and leave with a healthy baby and healthy mama. But, I think reading and doing research and discussing things with your doctor is necessary. I didn't do much discussing with my previous doctor, just trusted her. Now I'm wiser and think discussing things is important. And I trust my new doctor about a million times more! We were talking the other day about how many babies he's delivered and he said he lost count (of course, he's been doing this for over 20 years) but in his first few years, he was delivering an average of 500 babies a year...500! I'm in good hands for sure.

 We are looking forward to our 2.0 making his or her big arrival; and anticipating an uneventful birth. In the words of Monica (from Friends folks, get it together)...12 weeks baby, 12 weeks!!

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