
Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Henry Wallace 8 Months

My not so little sweet Henry turned 8 months on Tuesday the 15th, but we were too busy packing for our beach vacation to worry with a blog post! And I wanted his 8 month pictures to be on the beach; photographer problems y'all.

So here's what's happening:

I have no idea how much he weighs or how long he is...we know he's a long baby within a healthy weight range and that's all that matters. Of course, to my aching pregnant back, I swear he weights about 50 pounds!

That whole "sleep training" thing we were trying last month? Yeah. It's not working anymore. The time change plus a growth spurt plus teething plus separation anxiety really screwed us up again.  He typically wakes up once a night SCREAMING in pain, one of us will rush in to check on him, and he's fine, just woke up alone and didn't like it. But, once he's up and sees one of us, he wants to play or eat or both. I will typically feed him again and then we will go back to bed till about 6:00 and then we are up for the day. He's still napping great in his room, which means I still have time to edit photos, respond to emails, and send out contracts and everything in between that comes with running your own business.

He had his first official trip to Wal-Mart and it was successful. Typically, one of us will stay home with him while the other runs to the store. This morning, that wasn't an option. Pregnant lady NEEDED her bananas and hubby wouldn't be home till later, so the only option was loading the kid up and venturing out! The reason we have avoided Wal-Mart and grocery stores with him is a simple one - germs. We didn't want him to get sick, so we kept him as protected as possible, not bubble boy protection, but not those parents whose kid has a 101 fever and they decide to take him around other kids and infect them. I can count at least 15 friends with little one's who had RSV this year. Our goal was to avoid it. Success!

He's wearing 12-18 month clothes and we are IN LOVE with Old Navy and all of their options. I can hit up their store once every few months and clean up their clearance section and spend $20 on clothes for Henry and for the next 6 months. I am frugal, have we met? We are not buying anything for 2.0 since all of our newborn and 3 month stuff is gender neutral. After that, we will reassess.

He's still rocking size 4 diapers and should be for the foreseeable future.

He still talks A LOT, babbles even more, and has learned that if he screams, someone will pick him up...rut ro!

He's extremely mobile and we probably need to start baby proofing. And he can crawl! He started rocking one day with his butt in the air and the next day he was off.

He's special folks, I'm telling you...

His new favorite food this month is mango. He has at least 2 mango slivers a day, but this also depends on how many mango slivers Norman steals. To my knowledge, Norman could be eating them all!

Happy 8 months my munchkin!

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