
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Tater Baby 2.0 looks like the stork will be visiting us again!

The official first Tater Baby 2.0 post!!!
Since Henry Wallace was our Tater Baby during gestation, this sweet lovely will be Tater Baby 2.0.

First to answer some questions...(because some people are nosy and I like to oblige)

1. Yes, we know where babies come from...we think!
2. Yes, this baby was planned. I can show you my ovulation calendar if necessary :)
3. Yes, I know you can't imagine having kids one year apart, that's why we are in this situation and you are not. We wanted this.  We waited over 5 years to start our family and now we don't plan on stopping...unless a medical professional tells us to.
4. Don't say "I knew you were pregnant! You looked 'different' the last time I saw you." When you say that, it means I look fat and guess what? I've lost 5 whole pounds thanks to 'morning' sickness.

From the beginning, Taylor and I said we would to start a family after 5 years of marriage...all the while most of our friends around us were having kids one or two years into marriage. We knew that road wasn't for us. We wanted time to be us. A married us. A time to hang out and play and not worry about a baby. After 5 LONG years, it was time. We always knew that once we had one kid, we didn't plan on stopping. As Tay so eloquently puts it, " I want to have as many as God wants us to have...but I don't want to be the Duggars or anything." Me neither Tay, me neither! I think 19 is a bit excessive! Right now, we are happy with our Henry Wallace and our 2.0.

Immediately after Henry Wallace was born (like seriously 30 seconds after) I told Taylor I wanted more. He (and the doctor) said maybe wait week a few we did. After my various check ups, the doctor said we were free and clear and healthy to try and have another baby. And we were elated to find out 15 weeks after having HW, we were pregnant again! To make things weird...we actually got a positive pregnancy test exactly one year after our positive test with HW. So it's looking like Tater Baby and Tater Baby 2.0 might be a year or less apart!

 Since Taylor is employed at South Sunflower County Hospital and they have an amazing staff that I trust, we will be having 2.0 about 3 miles from home. Since Tay works with everyone up there, scheduling our first appointment was a bit of a chore. We wanted to keep things a secret, but if we were to call the clinic and schedule a confirmation appointment, everyone he works with (and a ton more people) would have known. So my Tater confided in an amazing doctor that he's known his whole life...and this man took care of us without letting anyone in on our BIG secret. And if all goes according to plan, he will deliver our baby in July 2016.

And now, some details... On November 2nd, Taylor asked if I was sick because I went to bed at 7:45. The only other time I remember going to bed that early was when we were pregnant with HW. So the next day, we decided it was test time. I took one of my cheap budget friendly tests and made Tay look technically, he was the first to know :) After that, we decided to splurge and buy a "real" pregnancy test. It confirmed what we already knew!

 About 3 weeks later, we snuck into the back door of the clinic and had an ultrasound to confirm so that we could tell our families. And then the doctor gave my sweet 4 month old baby boy a sucker...y'all I died. I didn't want him to have sugar this early, but his face was too priceless. And if we tried to take it away, he turned into demon baby...Damien, Damien?

Today we are 7 weeks and we are beyond excited! I know our faces look like we are scared, but I promise, there's excitement hidden in there...somewhere! Pray for us! :)

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