
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

House Tour

Y'all, the long awaited house tour is finally here. Yes, I know it took me a while. But hey, you try having your first baby and moving the DAY you are discharged from the hospital...3 hours away. Can we talk about your world being upside down and not knowing exactly what the hell to do? Because that was our life those first few weeks. It was hell. Living in a house, learning what light switch does what, trying to find the damn Tylenol that you KNOW you packed in the bathroom box (you know, cause you just delivered a 9 pound baby), and dealing with a newborn that had (yep, past tense!!) colic. There isn't currently a word in the English language to describe the stress and chaos we lived in during those first few weeks.

But, I am happy to report that Henry Wallace's colicky-ness seems to have dissipated and our house is finally resembling a home. A home that I love staying home with my baby boy in, and one that Taylor looks forward to coming home to everyday. I think I did a good job. I strive on making any house a home. As much as we've moved in the past, I'm used to not being able to paint, or do anything other than just hang pictures. And then refilling ALL THE HOLES my nine million pictures made...eek. But now, we are homeowners. And we can do whatever we want. We started by painting the entire front area of the house. The kitchen, the living room, the dining room, and the office...all while I was overdue with Henry Wallace - pushing the limits folks, that's what we do. We knew it had to be done, and knew we wouldn't have time once our baby boy came along, so we devoted the last few weekends of pregnancy to painting with non VOC paint of course.

Below is the chaos of the day we were discharged from the hospital. A baby that we know nothing about, an entire house full of boxes that my non-pregnant self cannot decipher what my pregnant self meant when labeling them, and chaos, just plain and utter chaos. I know one day I'll look back on those days and laugh, but right now, in this moment, I'm happy that all of that is behind us. If Tay and I can survive that, Lord, we are set for life!

Now that you've seen the chaos, let's start with where we are now...Relatively clean and clutter free.

I decided to frame a few sayings to hang on our dining room gallery wall. There are a still a few more than I plan to add, as the wall grows and more pictures are added.
A little dining room decor. I'm in love with classic white...anything!
Our family wall. That I'm adding to every week because I'm a tad obsessed.

The playroom was my office. For about a week. And then we decided it made more sense to be a playroom. Or just a place to store all of the things that you NEED/WANT when you have a baby. And y'all, we have the bare minimum. We are NOT those people that buy every little thing for babies.  And those bookcases NEED to be white...but I'll deal with that later.

My office has now been moved into the foyer. It just means that I can work and watch HW at the same time.

Pay no attention to the baby on a bathmat wrapped in swaddling blankets watching TV. He loves them to be over his face. I let him during the day when someone is always watching, but never at night!
Sensing a theme here, baby on a bathmat! I wanted to get rid of this eyesore of a recliner SO BAD. But, we decided that since HW spits up a lot, it makes more sense to have a designated feeding spot, one that's easy to clean.
We are in the process of converting the gas log fireplace into a wood burning. It's one thing that Tay has always wanted.

The guest room...that still needs some work.

We ended up having to move things around in the nursery because of the air vents. We put the crib in the only spot without a vent directly overhead. And how HW doesn't wake up freezing.

No bumpers, no frills. Just a crib. He's only 4 months after all :)
The master.
We've always dreamed of a king size bed. Our bed since we've been together was a hand me down; mattress and all. If anyone deserved a new big was us, especially since we don't sleep anymore - thanks HW, but at least it looks nice. And Tay picked it out. I agreed because the day we went shopping was about 2 days before my due date and I didn't care about anything, other than NOT being pregnant :) Looking back, maybe such a high bed wasn't the way to go after delivery and all...whoops, hindsight and all that jazz!

So, this is our house...I'm sure we'll keep changing things as we go along, maybe paint some more. For now, we are settled in and happy.

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