
Sunday, November 15, 2015

Henry Wallace: 4 Months

This dude is 4 months old. Yay! He loves his hands, his feet, and his big Mastiff brother Norman.
He loves rolling all over the place and thinks that Ralph the Giraffe is his best friend. My baby boy may be more like me after all...following his mama and loving giraffes.

Right when daylight savings time came around Henry hit the 4 month sleep regression...we think it was a combo of the regression and the time change, but it sucked there for a bit! We would put him down at 8:00 and he'd wake up at 3:00am ready to go. Finally, we have transitioned out of that and he is back to sleeping through the night, praise the Lord! 

He went in for his 4 month shots and he took them like a champ! He cried and fussed and then became his happy self again...hooray!

At birth he was 8 pounds, 6 ounces and 21 1/4 inches long. He's up to 16 pounds, 14 ounces and is 27 inches long. He's in the 99th percentile for height and the 79th percentile for weight. He's a big ole healthy baby. And is perfect. Absolutely perfect. He's wearing 3-6 months and 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers. He loves to talk. And by talk I mean scream at the TV in a high pitched shrill voice...and he giggles at EVERYTHING. The first 3 months he lived on mama's milk with a bit of supplementation, and now he's on Alimentum due to his colic and reflux. This kid has been quite a doozy! But we love him anyway. I mean, look at him, how could you NOT love him?

I think Die Hard was can tell they don't care that I have a camera pointed at them.
Bath time!

How dinner is done at Casa de Skelton. Lots of helpers!

Henry and his daddy, the bearded wonder.
Have I mentioned his funny faces?

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