
Saturday, October 17, 2015

6th Anniversary

Six years ago today, Taylor and I said some pretty important things to each other in front of God and numerous other witnesses. Today marks 6 years of marriage.

Six years. That's over 2,000 days. One kid, one dog, too many moves to count. And a lot of fun.

A look back at the past 6 years:

He should have known I would botch the first kiss!

 The first anniversary: road tripped the Blue Ridge Parkway and ended up spending a few days in D.C.

Anniversary 2: We didn't go anywhere :( We decided to save our money that year since Tay would be starting school soon and just opted for a fancy downtown Memphis hotel.

Anniversary 3: Tay had to attend TANA: Tennessee Association of Nurse Anesthetists in Nashville and it happened to fall right on our we took the opportunity and made a vacation out of. We left Nashville and trekked over to Franklin, TN and did the North leg of the Natchez Trace.  

Anniversary 4: Eureka Springs and camping!!! And a photo shoot in Memphis.

Anniversary 5: Chattanooga and Lynchburg, TN...and Tater Baby :)

For anniversary 6, we headed to Atlanta to squeeze in a little family time with Tay's sister. We stayed in an uber fancy hotel that was WAY TOO MODERN for us. Think black and purple walls and a shower that was see thru and had no, ok...Bit of a shock to us Delta folk!

And, of course, this is our first anniversary with Mr. Henry Wallace...So we documented it by going to the same place where we said our vows 6 years ago. We've come a long way!

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