
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Henry Wallace - The First 3 Weeks

The past three weeks have been an absolute blur. Going from two adults and a dog to two adults, a dog, and a newborn was a huge adjustment. Not to mention officially moving the day we were discharged from the hospital. In those first few days, my family was the definition of chaos.

Also, before Henry Wallace, Tay and I had limited experience with babies. Seriously limited. I would love on my 4 year old nephew and then pass him off to mama for a diaper change, feeding, soothing...anything in general. The last baby that Tay dealt with is now 16 - we are the epitome of NOT knowing what to do with a baby.

The hospital staff had to teach us how to change a diaper. I wish I was kidding.

The good news is, we are three weeks in and Henry Wallace seems to be doing just fine. He's fed and clothed and loved and kissed (constantly) so I would say that Tay and I have adjusted well.
Tay's better at poop diapers than I am and I'm the master of dressing and undressing our little man.
The way I see it, if he can fit through the birth canal, he can fit in this damn onesie!

And now, some photos.

Oh his cheeks!
This kid is the most kissed kid. Ever.

I spend my days sans make-up and usually wearing a nursing top. And the kid lives in just diapers. It's easier.

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