
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Pregnancy Is...

39 weeks and three days along and still no progress. Baby is comfortable and has no plans to arrive on his/her own...As I type this, watch contractions start up!

Tater Baby is still healthy and thriving and is coming up on 9 pounds. We've decided that we aren't going to have a newborn, instead, we will be having a toddler :) If baby doesn't show up by Wednesday the 15th, we will be induced. And that would put me at 40weeks and 4 days pregnant.
Lord, I'm not complaining, I've honestly been enjoying this pregnancy, but I cannot deal with the heartburn much longer. I'm always so hungry, but afraid to eat because everything causes heartburn.

Since we are officially in the homestrectch now, I've been making some notes about what pregnancy is...other than exhausting. The list is no where near complete, I'm realizing new challenges and symptoms daily!

Pregnancy is...

-Timing your sneezes when you are already on the toilet.

-Going to the SnoCone stand 3 times in one day.

-Eating ice cream in the bed at 2:00am (and immediately regretting it).

-Having heartburn all the time and not knowing what caused it. Was it the milk? (No, it's the 8+ pound human encroaching upon all my personal space).

-Never being too far away from a restroom.

-Constantly feeling like you have to pee and constantly feeling like you cannot empty your bladder.

-Sleeping in 30 minute bursts.

-Sleeping with 6+ pillows and having to readjust them after bathroom break.

- Eating cheesy poofs and drinking 7:00am

-Eating IHOP at 5:00am and immediately coming home and napping until 11:00am.

-Wanting to shave your legs, but realizing you cannot reach them.

-Wanting to take a bath, but lacking the overall strength it takes to lower yourself into it.

-Having one pair of pants that fit and washing them every day to ensure that you have something clean to wear to the hospital.

-Wanting to nest and pack your hospital bags and get the car seat ready, but taking a nap instead.

-Having ghetto looking foot because bending over to paint them hasn't happened since we entered the third trimester.

-Throwing up before you eat.

-Throwing up immediately after eating.

And some pictures for posterity.

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