
Monday, June 1, 2015

Paging Dr. Skelton

My sweet hard-working husband is now Dr. Skelton or Taylor Skelton; DNP, CRNA.
Too many initials, all I know is that I'm proud of him. He worked so hard for this, hell, we both did and now he's officially an alumni of the University of Tennessee as well as a Doctor. Tay always planned on getting into CRNA school and becoming one, but since we've been together it's something that we've been working on together.

We sacrificed me possibly getting a higher education (let's be honest, a Masters is good enough!), we postponed buying a house and having a family, and taking a long vacation to the Grand Canyon all because of his dream, and now that dream is a reality and OUR hard work has finally paid off. Seeing him in his graduation regalia and walking across the stage was such a surreal moment; we've dreamed of that moment for at least 5 years, and it finally happened!

A lot of people do not acknowledge all the work I put in while he was in school and unable to work. I worked two jobs, everyday of the week for over 3 years. I kept the house in order, I cooked meals, I washed scrubs almost every single day (I'm sick of scrubs!) I saw that the rent and bills were paid on time, I noticed when he was almost out of lunch meat and bread and would head to Kroger to make sure he would have lunch the next day. I loved and encouraged him and told him every single day that he was on step closer to achieving his dream. The past 3+ years have been a nightmare for us, but we are now finally living the dream, (she said sarcastically.)

My husband is so awesome he even told me that while no one else may acknowledge all the work I did, he said that this isn't his degree, it's ours - we both earned it. Why, yes, my husband is better than yours! :)

The only decent picture of us from graduation...every family member wanted a picture, and i was bound and determined to be first so that he wouldn't look exhausted. I think I got the picture at the perfect time, he still looks excited! 

And now that graduation is officially behind him, it's time to take the boards. You know that long test that gauges what you've learned/retained over the past few years. And it only cost $750...glad I'm such a saver or paying that outright without knowing would have been a nightmare. We talked about if we had an extra $750 laying around, he would go ahead and take it now for practice and then take it again in a few weeks, if necessary. Alas, we are still saving for baby and hospital and new house and new car and just can't :( But I know that when Tay takes the test, he'll do great!

As of right now, the test is scheduled in Tupelo exactly two weeks before Tater Baby is scheduled to arrive. Let us pray that Tater Baby keeps on cooking and that Tater nails this test the first go round!!

The upside to all this craziness? Our to-do list is getting smaller and smaller!
1. Buy a house
2. Update house (if needed) - this will have to happen later, 8 month preggo is just too tired.
3. Pack up current house - this deserves a half-slash, lots of random things are packed!
4. Tay's graduation
5. Move to Indianola - currently in progress!
6. Have a baby
7. Start new jobs
8. Raise Tater Baby 

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