Tuesday, June 30, 2015

38 Weeks

And three days pregnant, but who's counting?

Two weeks ago, at our 36 week appointment, our Tater Baby was measuring about 7 pounds. This week, our "little" bundle of joy is measuring about 8.5 pounds. Oh, and his/her head is measuring 40 weeks 1 day. Y'all, say some prayers. Lots of them, k? :)

At the appointment today, my blood pressure was down again from last week (oh yes), but my doctor is still concerned about my blood pressure and about the size of Tater Baby, so we are now throwing the word 'induction' around. We shall see.

In the meantime, since Tater Baby is super comfortable and currently has no plans to vacate my body, we are doing a mad dash to get this house packed up and moved into our new home. And doing that while 9 months pregnant is actually pretty easy. I'm doing a lot of the packing, but none of the heavy lifting. I tell Tay where to move a box, and magically, the box is moved! Being pregnant is like having superpowers!

My mood is still great, overall happy and excited and tired and have to pee - constantly!
Lay in bed, get my 6 pillows situated, have to pee. Doze off once I finally get comfortable, immediately have to pee. Baby is on top of my bladder and has no plans to move. I can be completely fine, and then a swift kick will make me turn into a mad woman who must find the restroom now!

So, this may or may not be the last Tater Baby post until our little one actually arrives.

Tater Baby, you've done great. You cooked until your daddy took (and passed) his boards.
Feel free to come...we are ready to meet you!

And here's a recap of our journey so far: 

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